Supporting Seniors
Supporting seniors
Launched on 5 July after more than a year of preparation, Healthier SG is a national initiative to help Singaporeans take steps towards better health and quality of life. With Healthier SG, all Singaporeans will have a family doctor to guide them, a customised Health Plan to support their goals, and access to community programmes to stay active. To help seniors on their preventive healthcare journey, AIC is building an ecosystem of care and support for them at the community and sector levels.
Engaging seniors on Healthier SG
In support of Ministry of Health’s (MOH) efforts to gather feedback on planned Healthier SG reforms, we conducted 28 interviews with elderly residents in April and May of 2022. Known as the ‘Healthier SG - Resident Engagement’, the project yielded valuable insights that informed the Healthier SG White Paper, to help guide future policies and plans.
Preventive Health Visits
Developed by AIC’s Silver Generation Office (SGO), Preventive Health Visits (PHV) started in April 2022, building on the engagement efforts of our Silver Generation Ambassadors (SGA). PHV are home visits made possible due to the trusting relationships built over the years by SGO with seniors in the community.
With the Healthier SG initiative being rolled out, PHV became a natural engagement channel to help seniors understand and learn more about preventive healthcare. Through the engagements, SGAs were able to provide more information to seniors and, for some, help nudge their behaviour towards accepting preventive healthcare benefits. Through PHV engagements, SGO can also understand what matters to seniors and connect seniors who need support to the broader healthcare and community ecosystem.
An SGA conducting home visits
SGO has made the most of HPV engagements, sharing with seniors about Healthier SG initiatives, assisting them with enrolment, and getting their feedback.